Click on any of the below challenges to learn more
9 Chances to be considered for a scholarship. Be in to win. Looking for talent and grit.

What is Click Happy?
It is a wellbeing program for 8-22 year olds folded inside a photography program taught by a past winner of New Zealand's Creative Photographer of the Year. You can use your camera or cellphone to participate. We use project-based learning to develop skills while at the same time making our community a better place to live.
The Four Stages of Click Happy 2021
- Term 1 - Click Happy Live
- Live Events to learn more about photography and wellbeing
- 6 Photographic Challenges
- These put you in the running for a place in the Click Happy Crew Leaders program
- Term 2 - Click Happy Crew - By invitation
- 5 Scholarships per region (for youth aged 10-22) - This could be you...
- 3 Scholarships per region for adult mentors.
- Learn Documentary Photography skills
- Learn Impact Marketing skills (using your photography to impact positive change in your community).
- Learn Leadership skills necessary to establish a Click Happy Community program
- Term 3 - Practical experience
- use your new skills to create an impact marketing campaign for a local non-profit whose values you share.
- Then as a group create your own impact marketing campaign to launch Click Happy Community (Youth photography + Wellbeing Club)
- Term 4 - Establish Click Happy Community
- Meets once a month with local youth to lay down photographic challenges and share your knowledge.
- As a group at least 2 times a year you work with a non-profit and create an impact marketing campaign for their work.