Teacher Prep – Click Happy Workshop


Welcome to the Click Happy Family!




Welcome to the FUN

Congratulations.  You have a spot on the Click Happy Road trip.

But now you are probably wondering, what do I need to do?  How do we prepare?

This page will hopefully help you sort all of that.

This part is best done a month to several weeks before we arrive:

  • Select the students who will participate (ideal students are ones who have a love for creating things...your painters, doodlers, writers, photographers, tinkerers. Also, the kids that struggle to sit still in class and your neurodiverse ones, these students really thrive in our fast-paced body-active kinaesthetic learning )
    • That being said, at Alfredton school the teacher wasn't sure how her dyed in the wool country kids would take to it but we got a collective 10000/10 for the day, and these rough-as-guts farm boys spontaneously decided to use the backdrops as dress ups and we skipped the editing part to host a fashion show between the Rugby pitches.  So you never know.
    • Number of students - Up to 30 if you provide a teacher or teacher aide to support.   This teacher should be the one who will be most likely to be able to take the skills they learn on the day and extend them back into the classroom.
  • Decide who will be the teacher or aide working with me for the day.
  • Arrange for a room where we can spread out and get messy and loud (we will go outside as well weather permitting but we need a base).


    • If your school has a blanket photography permission situation that you would be willing to extend to a TikTok video and our reporting photographs that we will make on the day then we are all covered.  If not, then...
    • Get the students thinking about what they will choose to bring as their "treasure" object.
      • This is something that is important to them and will be used in the portraits and in the flat lay section I will explain shortly.
  • Sort out devices
    • Ipads and cellphones will work for this.
    • If your school doesn't have enough and if the students don't have ones they can bring from home we travel with 7 cellphones that we can hand out and use that the students can share but it is best done on the school's devices so we can teach on what you will have available as the learning continues.
  • Download Adobe Lightroom and Snapseed onto all of the devices that will be used on the day.  These are free programs that we use in the last part of the day to edit images.
    • VERY IMPORTANT - These need to have an adult sign into them because the aps will not work for youth under 13.  These should be tested to make sure that they are working on their devices not just loaded and left.   When it asks you to upgrade just select no.  We only use the free parts of the app.

Our Itinerary

This is when we plan on rocking up to various places.  If for any reason that doesn't jive with when you think we are coming please let us know asap.

Random Logistical bits and bobs

  • Please confirm with us if dogs are allowed at the school as Gritty is my co-teacher (an Irishdoodle) and helps to teach perspective, she is also a great icebreaker with the kids and allows a space for shyer kids to connect.  No matter how hard I teach she usually gets the highest marks for awesomeness.
    • If dogs are not allowed I just need to know ahead of time to find an alternative arrangement for her if the weather is hot and she can't say in the caravan.
  • Caravan parking - Unless in the Hutt, Wellington, Kapiti, or Wairarapa
    • We travel the country in a wee vintage caravan to keep the costs down so we can see more schools.  However, this is a parking nightmare in some places.  It really makes our life a whole lot easier if there is a space identified for us to park the caravan close to where we teach as we will be unpacking 10 boxes of goodies to teach with on the day.
    • So if you can let us know if there is space for us to park up that would be great otherwise we will need to arrange to leave the Caravan somewhere and just bring the van.   But we need to know ahead of time so we can suss it all out and there are no surprises and we don't cause traffic challenges at the school.

A week before we arrive:

  • Remind the kids to think about their "treasure" and to have it ready to bring on the day.
  • Send us a map of where you would like us to park on the day.



What happens on the day?

Here is a link to full program plus booklets for use afterwards. 

There is also a place where students can sign up for a challenge that will gain them access to our Click Happy Plus Creative Mentorship program.


After the workshop:

They are also invited to contribute to our by youth for youth magazine called Create Happy.  This is project based youth work run by youth for youth.  Students can write for the magazine or make art for it.


For any questions not answered please contact Mandi

  • 0211412646
  • mandi@clickhappy.org

Teacher Prep – Click Happy Workshop

Updated on 2024-09-04T18:35:40+12:00, by Mandi.