Longford Intermediate School, Gore – Visual Poetry Jam Workshop (3 March 2023)

Longford Intermediate School, Gore – Visual Poetry Jam Workshop (3 March 2023)

When we first started planning for the Gore workshop we went to the Library but unfortunately they were in temporary accommodation so Julie de Villiers from the library suggested that we connect with the local Intermediate. They were delighted to have us come and host a Visual poetry Jam at the school for a day. Nicola Millar was our educator hostess and had gathered together the most creative students from the school. We handed out phones and got shooting.

The students were all asked to bring a Taonga with them to photograph. Some brought jewlery or family heirlooms, some brought their bike helmets or favourite ball. They were given challenges to integrate it in imagery through out the day helping them to learn composition skills, visual storytelling, and eventually post production.

The boys were high energy and kept trying to get action shots and were very persistent to get just the right jump or angle. And girls were climbing and taking jumping shots as well. It was an octane rich crew as you can see from the Tiktok video we created on the day ( https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSLQH8GkL ).

The varied grounds of the school made for interesting work with leading lines and the frame within a frame segment.

The post production seemed to be the favourite, as they dove in to transforming their original imagery into something that told even more of a story.

Supported by:
Gore Creative Communities