New Plymouth – Highland Intermediate – Visual Poetry Jam – (4 April 2024)

New Plymouth – Highland Intermediate – Visual Poetry Jam – (4 April 2024)

This workshop was held with Highland Intermediate – New Plymouth

Note from the teacher Wendy Parkes –

Wow oh wow!
Kia ora Mandi and thank you so much for the session our learners and myself got to experience today.  You were so patient and insightful, and our akonga were just buzzing all day!  It was so exciting as a teacher to see our learners in their creative space, and to celebrate with them their individual differences during your workshop.
I know there was a lot of ‘taking away’ of ideas and information that our learners will share with not only their peers but their families as well.
Personally I will be re-exploring your korero about how to make sure your ideas ‘flow’ with my classes in the future, as well as all the ‘C’ words needed to get that prize at the end …. to showcase your creative skills.
How amazing would this be if we could offer a learning opportunity like this to more of our akonga?
I have included some pics I took and look forward to sharing the video you create from our learners’ photos with them in the near future.
Ngā mihi nui
Wendy Parkes”

Follow Up Email

“Thanks so much for this Mandi
We have shared this video and some of our pics on our School Facebook Page.  I have also shared your slide with our Wellbeing team and our Art teacher so we can hopefully make sure we keep enabling our akonga to be creative!
Again we really appreciate being able to take part in this programme.  Our learners came to school today telling me all about the photography they have done over the weekend – so neat they are so enthusiastic!.
Have a great week.
Wendy “

Support provided by
New Plymouth District Council
New Plymouth Creative Communities
New Zealand Lotteries