Congratulations - Your grit and talent have secured you a spot in the Click Happy Plus program. This is a page where you can always access the links to the work that we are doing.
T Shirt Size
Meetings every Wednesday
Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81092441777?pwd=b1NRSkZqdmh1L3g2NUV0UmhEeFovUT09 Meeting ID: 810 9244 1777 Passcode: happy
Wednesdays 7-8pm for term 1
Course Co Design
I have ideas of what I would like to teach you. But that doesn't necessarily mesh with what you are motivated to learn. So here is how we will find the intersection of those two concepts. In our first workshop you will help me design what the course is going to look like for this term for you. You are going to share what you most want to learn and together we will figure out how to get there. Sound good? Awesome See you in the Zoom. First you need to join the book creator library - here is the link - QZ2LMVB. Then find this book and add your parts to it.
Your Outputs this Term
(my initial thoughts but this may change after our codesign session)
For yourself
- Your Creative Process Workbook - Please start your own workbook in the library - QZ2LMVB
- At least a 5-image portfolio or an agreed-upon separate piece of creation (these can be the rainbow images if you choose) Create a separate clean one image per page portfolio in the same library.
For the Click Happy Whanau
- Image Contributions to the Rainbook Exhibition
- A how to and resource workbook for the collective library. (use your creative process workbook to create something useful for people exploring your topic of interest)
- A creative challenge for other students based on your Passion Project at the end of the booklet.
- Write a blog post for the Create Happy Blog about your area of research or a video for Tiktok.
Leadership Opportunities
Click Happy Ambassador - Become a guide for the new students joining Click Happy as Mandi travels the country and new students want to join.
Click Happy Curation Team - Co-Design with Abi and Zaria the rainbow exhibition for the Auckland Festival of Photography.
Create Happy Blog - Photographers and Illustrators - This is the next step that you need to take to be considered a photographer or illustrator for the Magazine.
Exhibition Challenge
This summer our leaders got together in Wellington for a play and planning retreat. Lillian was struck by how accepting Wellington was of the LGBQT+ community. She was contrasting it to home in Christchurch and found Christchurch lacking at least in visible pride. This struck a deep emotional cord that touched on voice, being seen and accepted for who you are. She wanted to do something to make it better for youth who were on their own journeys of self-discovery. We left the workshop trying to think of ways to help her on her quest.
Last year we started working on a collection of Monochromatic Images to create a giant collective exhibition rainbow for the Auckland Festival of Photography. The original thought around it was about the beauty in diversity. What if instead of just creating it there we create it to be something that can be dismantled and toured. Something that can be used as a bank of images that have been donated for use by those who would like to create rainbows around the country? So that our rainbow students could feel safe and supported and seen?
The question I want to leave you with is "What if we used our photographic skills to create accepting spaces around New Zealand...what could this look like?"
Zaria and Abi will be the Lead Curators curating the exhibition and are looking for those who are keen to help them with planning. If you want to join the exhibition curation committee you can do that by joining this Telegram Channel Link.
1 on 1 Session with Mandi