Ruapehu Ako – Ohakune Workshop (20 November 2023)

Ruapehu Ako – Ohakune Workshop (20 November 2023)

Schools from around the Ruapehu region gathered young artists to have a go at learning visual storytelling.

This was the perfect workshop. There was strong engagement from the local AKO from the start, and there was representation from 4 schools, including the local Kohanga.  Each school brought between 5-7 students and we had a total of 9 adults present for the day as well.

The teachers were excited as well and gave great feedback. There was also Barbara, a community arts teacher from the Volcano Arts collective who was keen to carry on the program locally with our support of the students who attended. 
Our goal is to have them all complete the rainbow challenge in term one as an extension of this program. 

Gritty our K9 youth worker and photography model was able to join us for the day.  The weather held and we were able to shoot both indoors and outdoors as well. 

Both Barbara and Kay attended the information session on the Rainbow Challenge and will be supporting their youth to attend.

By teaching their head teacher and teachers aides the training will continue to pay dividends for future students.

We created a TikTok video of the behind the scenes of the day (@Clickhappyadventures)

Support provided by
Ruapehu District Council
Ruapehu District Creative Communities
COGS Tongariro
New Zealand Lotteries