Welcome to the FUN
Congratulations. You have a spot in the Visual Poetry Jam.
You will learn how to tell lovely visual stories and might meet some other keen young photographers in the area.
Make sure you bring the following with you
- A device or tablet to photograph with. (If you have a fancy camera you can bring it but you will need to quickly upload and transfer to wifi so sometimes the phones are just easier for this workshop).
- Bring an object that you consider a treasure. You will be photographing this object on the day.
- Lunch + Water bottle
- Clothes that will keep you warm on the day + wet weather as we go outside a bit.
Please download the following apps on your phone
Optional but cool
- Snapseed- alternative photo editing
- Telegram (if you are planning on carrying on with the mentorship program you will need to have telegram working on your phone, tablet or PC. You may need to ask permission to put your parent's email or age to register - and make sure that you silence notifications or you will go nuts with the boinging.)
What happens on the day?
- 0930 - 10 Welcome and arrivals
- 10am start - Getting to know our creative preferences and composition challenges
- Composition
- Cellphonography and what makes it unique
- How to push the boundaries of your phone
- Lightroom and editing
- Lunch 12 - 1 Lunch -
- 1-3 - Monochromatic Rainbow
- You will be able to photograph your taonga against 6 different collections of coloured fabrics and props
- You are asked to submit your top 5 images to the exhibition.
- We create a group folder for you to deposit your images from the day.

Our Itinerary
This is when we plan on rocking up to various places. If you have been sent to this page you have a spot reserved at your local workshop.

After the workshop:
- You are invited to join us on our National Telegram channel where we run a year-long mentorship program in visual storytelling.
- You may also get a chance to be one of the teams that helps create our magazine Create Happy.
- We will give weekly photographic challenges and you can meet other young photographers from around the country.

The magazine is produced by current students in the Click Happy Year-long mentorship program.
For any questions not answered please contact Mandi
- 0211412646
- mandi@clickhappy.org