Teal, Aqua, Turquoise, A colour halfway between green and blue. And the colour that represents the throat...halfway between the brain and the heart.
So our focus here is exactly that. Who runs your mouth? Your critical voice or your muse and heart. That can vary by the day and what has happened in your life.
Today we are going to be looking at our throat and you will be creating images using the colour teal.
One of the most important things for an artist is to have the ability to effectively communicate. This can take years and years and years to refine and to be honest we can always learn something here. As I have gotten older I have learned that I am much more effective as a human and an artist if I use my ears and mouth in the quantity they were provided to me. 2 to 1. Listen twice as much as you speak. THat and engage your heart before you engage your mouth.

The Teal Challenges
Challenge #1
What does it look like if you struggle to get your thoughts across?
Challenge #2
Motor mouth - Using the colour teal represent someone who hasn't learned the ratio of two ears one mouth and runs their mouth twice as much as they listen to others.
Challenge #3
How does if feel to be deeply heard and understood and to know that you have spoken with your heart in the right place and it found the heart of another?