Waimakariri Visual Poetry Jam – Rangiora Library – (30 March 2023)

Waimakariri Visual Poetry Jam – Rangiora Library – (30 March 2023)

What a cracker of a workshop. This was one of the best organized workshops of the year thanks to the people at Rangiora Library and Puketeraki Kāhui Ako and Core Education.
Students were introduced to a wide range of technical skills, from mastering camera settings to post-production techniques using tools like Lightroom and Snapseed. The hands-on approach allowed them to grasp complex concepts such as exposure adjustment and aperture control, empowering them to unleash their creative potential.

We created a TikTok video of the behind the scenes of the day (@nzrainbowchallenge) https://www.tiktok.com/@nzrainbowchallenge/video/7297062692433530120

Support provided by
Creative Communities NZ
Waimakariri Libraries
New Zealand Lotteries