1 – Step 7 – Accessing Click Happy Challenge 2 Copy

The remainder of the Course is Free, but you will neet to create an account and login to access “Challenge 2”.
Like most things on the Internet, it is all about safety for everyone.

Your main page to the course is https://clickhappy.org/course-material/

On the https://clickhappy.org/course-material/ page, you can tell if you are logged on or not by these signs :

You are not logged on


You are logged on

You are not logged on. You need to create an account if you have not already. (Courses is different to the email signup system)

How To Access the Course Material:

  1. Register for a free user account.
  2. The "user name" must be your email address.
  3. Check your email for your account credentials.
  4. Log into the website.
  5. Select the Clickhappy Course.
  6. You may need to click the red button, "Take his Course", to get enrolled
  7. Step through the information and have fun!
  8. Click the “Mark Complete” button to progress through the course.

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