Our goal is to secure a very cool prize that those who collect all the rainbow badges will go into a draw to win. Watch this space for the prize.

To earn this badge you need to submit at least one monochromatic image to the rainbow challenge in one of these folders.

To earn this badge you need to submit at least five monochromatic image to the rainbow challenge in one of these folders.

To earn this badge you need to submit at least ten monochromatic images in ten different colours to the rainbow challenge. You can submit them into these folders.

Help us spread the word about the rainbow challenge by creating a reel that tells us why you are contributing to the rainbow challenge and dropping it on a social media platform. Make sure you tag us @NZRainbowChallenge.

We have a creative course that is based on the colours of the Rainbow and how they energetically respond with our body and our creative capacity. If you complete the course you get the teal badge. This is done on the honour system. There are no grades. We just ask that you read each of the workbooks, and we challenge you to do some of the creative challenges contained within.

This challenge is to work with your local library and share with them some of your imagery and offer it to them to use for an exhibition during June. And bonus points for helping the Library set up the exhibition.

This is probably the trickiest badge to earn. This one is for being part of a team that is able to create an outdoor exhibition of the work in their community. One way to do this is by projection mapping, which means projecting it onto buildings or surfaces. The images we collect will be made into a video. This badge is for those who go above and beyond to help get the video shown outside in their community. So, for example, Ohakune people may try and get someone to project it onto the carrot. Or Taihape onto the gumboot or the Sheep. This may require fundraising for a Projection Mapper to put on a show in your region, or you may have people keen to try and figure it out themselves. It is entirely up to you and your community how you work together to get the video seen.
The idea is to get the video seen by the public, not just the people who created it.

To have earned this badge you will need to have photographed imagery that in someway represents diversity and inclusion. Diversity refers to the traits and characteristics that make people unique, while inclusion refers to the behaviours and social norms that ensure people feel welcome. All are welcome in our challenge. How can you show that?