You may find you think or feel the following:
I have too much schoolwork
I am way behind
I am way way behind
I cant keep up
I wanna quit
I suck
You suck
This sucks
My camera sucks
I quit
< fill in your own >
This course is NOT a race. There are no grades or medals. This course is for you to have fun and create art and learn about yourself.
We cover A LOT over the next few days… so this is just a start.
Getting photography right is not easy. It takes practice and effort…
It can feel overwhelming. Don’t worry. You’re not alone.
Think of it like the first time you tried to learn to ride a bike.
You fell off it a couple of times I imagine… but more than likely you don’t even think about it now.
Manual settings on a camera will become like that if you take off the training wheels and push yourself to shoot in manual until you have mastered it.
No one is grading this stuff.
If you are serious about learing all this stuff, the Click Happy Plus is here to help you along, but first get through the next few days and challenges… and do the work – USE YOUR CAMERA
If you want to get into Click Happy Plus and you are afraid they are not good enough. Don’t worry. Just shoot. You can submit a new portfolio each month and if I see grit you are more than likely in because that is what really makes an artist in the long run. And I like to see persistence and passion.
… so just get your camera out and play. Don’t stress. Just Play. This is fun.
Remember even adults wrestle with using a camera! If you crack it as a kid, there will be NO stopping you achieving your dreams.
Even if you don’t know what those dreams are yet.